Happiness Tips for Apartment Dwelling Hound Breeds

Discover essential advice on creating a happy and healthy environment for hound breeds in apartments. Learn how to choose the right apartment, manage exercise needs, establish routines, and create a comfortable sanctuary tailored to your hound's unique needs.
Two women sitting on a picnic blanket, patting a Shiba Inu in a park.
  1. Breed Characteristics:
  2. Exercise Needs:
    • Dogs living in apartments require regular exercise to maintain their health and happiness. Short walks and mental stimulation can suffice for many breeds.
    • For active breeds, consider apartments with nearby parks or outdoor spaces to ensure your dog gets enough physical activity.
  3. Noise Considerations:
    • Some breeds are naturally quieter and less likely to disturb neighbors, which is crucial for apartment living. Boston Terriers, for instance, are known for being quiet and easy to train.
    • Check with your apartment complex about noise policies and consult with neighbors to ensure your dog won't cause any issues.
  4. Space and Logistics:
    • Choose apartments with easy access to outdoor spaces, like balconies or first-floor units, to facilitate frequent outings with your dog.
    • Consider additional costs like pet rent and non-refundable deposits that may apply to dog owners in apartments.

Key Considerations for Choosing the Right Breed:

  • Breed Temperament: Evaluate the breed's general temperament and energy levels.
  • Space Needs: Assess the breed's space requirements and whether they can thrive in smaller spaces.
  • Noise Levels: Consider how much noise the breed typically makes and how it might affect your living situation.
  • Exercise Requirements: Understand the breed's exercise needs and how you can meet them in an apartment setting.

Final Thoughts

Selecting the right breed for apartment living involves careful consideration of the dog's needs and potential impact on your living environment. By choosing a breed that matches your lifestyle and apartment conditions, you can create a harmonious living situation for both you and your dog. Explore resources and advice from experienced dog owners and breed experts to make an informed decision.

Additional Resources:

  1. Dogs and Apartment Living: 11 Important Tips For Owners - https://saintlouisdogwalkers.com/dogs-and-apartment-living-11-important-tips-for-owners/
  2. 10 Best Dog Breeds for Apartments and Condos - https://www.nylabone.com/dog101/10-dog-breeds-for-apartment-dwellers
  3. 8 Tips For Living in an Apartment with Dogs - https://pawprides.com/8-tips-for-living-in-an-apartment-with-dogs/


  • Saint Louis Dog Walkers - "Dogs and Apartment Living - 11 Important Tips For Owners." Saint Louis Dog Walkers, June 8, 2024.
  • Nylabone - "10 Best Dog Breeds for Apartments and Condos." Nylabone.
  • Paw Pride - "8 Tips For Living in an Apartment with Dogs." Paw Pride.
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